Friday, October 21, 2011

Page-a-day cont.

Hehe. I'm having trouble remembering to do this. Here are the last couple:

WEEK : October 2nd - 8th

 WEEK : October 9th -15th

This week coming tomorrow....

Sunday, October 2, 2011


So I've been, for the past 73 days straight, drawing everyday. This image here is the beginning of the streak, but this here was the beginning of my 2011 page a day antics. I'll post last weeks works here today, and try for a once-a-week-updating (on Saturday or Sunday) with that week's work. That way I won't be pressured to remember to upload everyday. Here we go! :)

A. Loomis 32 (9.25.11)
FR 1 (9.26.11)

A. Loomis 33 (9.27.11)

A. Loomis study 34 9-28-11
FR 2 - 9-29-11

A. Loomis study 35 9-28-11

FR 3 - 10-01-11

Next week Sunday, I'll upload the week's drawings. When I hit my 100 day streak goal, I will stop uploading them at DA and continue to upload here. At DA I'd probably do a weekly sketch dump or something.  Ciao a tutti!  =)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Traditional Sketches of long ago....

That I might not post on Deviant Art :)

Here are a few that were for fun (and practice) the first two were from a Weight Watchers© magazine.

And then this one was a bunch of head shots practice. Some used references, two of which were from a the Digital Painting d 'artiste book by Ballistic publishing. It was worth the price, that book. :D

And finally some studies of Spyro© and Cynder© that I did before doing a commission of dragons for the first time. The first set was an exact copy, the second was a rethinking. You can see the final here on deviant art!

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Sketch dump

I'm gonna be posting all my sketches and stuff here. My main drawing account is Iamnie on DeviantArt. My other blog is Nie's Blog. Thanks for watching! :)

 So which should I use as my artist avatar?? My brother and sister are caught between the last two on the bottom. I'm liking the bottom right too. What do you think >.>